Monday, April 26, 2010

Revelation 9 - The Four Angels Released

God has given the call for the four angels to be released upon the Earth. Though this may seem to be a dooms day message, it is not to those who believe. Gods word is truth. We can not choose to believe in only the parts that make sense or that make us feel good. The truth is, we are in the end times. The times of revelation on earth.

Honestly, what I've drawn I never really knew was in the bible. I hear a message from a woman in church about angels. And instantly I was given this vision. It captivated my heart and mind. What came out in this drawing was not the beautiful image of angels most are accustomed to viewing. These are angels of war. Mighty. Sent out with a purpose. They were held back until the right moment. That means we are living in a time when God is doing great things! Wow. Look around the world, your country, your city, your schools.... is this only the work of the enemy we all assume it to be? Or could this be the work of God? Allowing these events to occur so that we, man kind, would come to see and realize our need for the true living God?

I do not have the answers to these questions. They scare me to think of such things. I am only the messenger.

One thing I do know is true. God does all this to glorify his son. Jesus. His glory will rise above the ashes of this earth. His love for us will outlast the days of our lives. What we hold onto, is not myth or tale, but a hope that we profess with conviction and faith. That through suffering and loss we will gain intimate knowledge of God son, and enjoy a relationship with him, not a religion, or doctrine, but a selfless love relationship with a living, breathing, God who created us to be with him.

If this God does exist, and these angels are at work in the world today, then surely as the time came for their release, the time has come for God Holy Spirit to move with great revival in the hearts of humans. He will demonstrate his great love for us through his son Jesus. He has. Those who look for it in a world that will last for ever will never see or find Gods love. It does not live there. Yes he created those things.... but they are not where he wants us to put our hope and look for his love. It can only be found in Jesus.

Look around you. Keep your eyes open. You may not see the angels. But you will see their effect - like the wind. They have been released!

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